유토피아 (2002)
85분 드라마
-대부분의 사람들은 변한다 (보수당) Most People Change (The Conservative Paty)
-연결된 사람들 (중앙당) Connection People (The Centre Party)
-가족 (기독교 민주당) Family (The Christian Democrats)
-작은 친구 (자유당) Tiny Company (The Liberal Party)
-아이들을 구하라 (진보당) Save the Children (The Progress Party)
-승객들 (사회주의 좌익당) The Passengers (The Socialist Left Party)
-포켓몬의 힘 (좌파 선거동맹) Pokemon Power (The Red Electoral Alliance)
-대동단결 (노동당) United We Stand (The Labour Party)
-라쎄의 꿈 Lasse's Dream (The frame story)
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